Important - Readme First LinkUP! encompases several software technologies within QuarkXPress environment. It is neccessary to follow the minimum requirements to ensure proper functionality. LinkUP! is an XTension to QuarkXPress. You must have a valid copy of QuarkXPress installed. The versions required are: QuarkXPress 3.32r5 (revision5) Revision 5 Memory requirement 7 Mb. (You can see this under "About this Macintosh") To change the memory allocation select the Quark Application icon and press Option I or "Get Info" from the file menu in Finder. Change Minimum memory to 7Mb and Prefered to as much as possible, but making sure that there is at least 2Mb free for the system after Quark3 has loaded. or Quark 4.03 Revision 2 Memory requirement 10 Mb. (You can see this under "About this Macintosh") To change the memory allocation select the Quark Application icon and press Option I or "Get Info" from the file menu in Finder. Change Minimum memory to 10Mb and Prefered to as much as possible, but making sure that there is at least 2Mb free for the system after Quark4 has loaded. Minimum System software release for PPC should be System 7.6 Minimum System software release for 68k should be System 7.5 Earlier revisions may function correctly, but there are known bugs that will cause system crashes. Minimum ODBC version should be 2.1.2 Please note that both 68k and PPC compliations will run under PPC QuarkXPress. The choice of whether or not to use 68k or PPC is determined by the type of your ODBC driver you will ultimately be using. ALL DOCUMENTATION FOR USING THE DEMONSTRATION EDITION OF LINKUP! IS CONTAINED ON THIS CD